MATERIALS: Old, worn out cork coasters (Any coasters will do, preferrably
round or square shaped, also cut pieces of plastic canvas or unwanted CD's you get in the mail will work as well).
Small amount of fabric, cut to the size of the coasters, two pieces per coaster for
front and back.
Small amount of yarn to match or contrast fabric.
Ice pick to make holes in fabric
Size F hook
Cut fabric to the size of the coasters, one for front and one for back. Using
ice pick, make holes every 1/4 inch - or if there's a repeating pattern that's close together in your fabric, go by this pattern
to make it look even. Using F hook, single crochet in each hole around on each piece of fabric.
Taking front and back pieces of fabric, wrong sides together, crochet through both
thicknesses, two single crochets in each single crochet. About halfway around, slip old coaster inside, then continue
around with two single crochets in each single crochet around until both pieces of fabric are completely joined. Slip
stitch in last stitch, fasten off.
I was lucky enough to find one of the little tin cannisters in a round shape and
the size I needed at a thrift store for 25 cents that had a sunflower pattern on it. I put the coasters in the
cannister and set it on my coffee table. I plan to do them in holiday patterns as well. Just use your imagination!